High Voltage Power Supplies
High Voltage Power Supplies Can Provide The Charging Power to a Load or Pulse Generator/Modulator in a Variety of Different Technologies Including the Following:
- SCR Phase Control
- Hard Tube Series Regulator
- High Frequency Switching Power Supplies (Pulse Width Modulated, Series/Parallel Resonant, etc.)
- Step-Start Circuits for Current Limiting
Ness Engineering Inc. Possesses a Wide Range of High Voltage Power Supply System Experience to Meet a Broad Set of User Requirements
High Voltage Power Supply Designs Begin with Your End Requirements:
- Identify System Requirements, Constraints, and Priorities
- Generate Optimization Criteria
- List Possible Design Approaches and Concepts
- Analyze Concept Performance Against Optimization Criteria
- Review Analysis Results and Select Optimum Concepts
System Engineering Principles are Employed to Achieve Optimum Results
Ness Engineering Inc. Understands the Key Challenges Associated with High Voltage Power Supplies
- Personnel and Hardware Safety
- Technical Performance, for example:
- Voltage Regulation, Etc.
- Adjustment Range
- Efficiency
- Cost / Value
- Thermal Management
- Size / Weight
- Lifetime / Reliability / On-line Availability
We Have Proven Experience and Expertise Associated with Each of These Technologies
- SCR Phase Control Power Supplies
- Hard Tube Series Regulator Power Supplies
- High Frequency Switching Power Supplies
- Compact Power Supplies